What Temperature to Set Air Conditioner in Winter? The Ultimate Guide

No matter the weather, the answer is 24 degrees during the day and a little lower at night.

This article explores the question ‘what temperature to set air conditioner in winter?’ with advice on the best temperature for reverse cycle heating and helpful tips on how to best use your air conditioner in winter.

Maintaining warmth during the winter months can be challenging, particularly if you reside in an old, drafty Queenslander. Finding the “sweet spot” temperature, the ideal setting on the thermostat that increases your comfort without driving up the cost of your electricity bill, is a great first step after investing in an air conditioner that offers reverse cycle heating. But how do you do that?

Please read on.

What Temperature to Set Air Conditioner in Winter?

So what is the ideal wintertime temperature for air conditioners? The response will change throughout the day.

For adults, the ideal wintertime temperature ranges from 15.6°C to 19.4°C, and for infants, it ranges from 20°C to 22.2°C. Set the thermostat appropriately because these temperatures take into account winter bedding and sleepwear.

Of course, each person’s ideal temperature varies a little. Some people can be hot-tempered while others are cold-tempered. Accordingly, everyone’s preferred body temperature will vary. Your family’s input will be most helpful in helping you find a satisfying solution.

Researchers advise against lowering your thermostat below 24°C during the day if your primary concern is operating costs because each degree below that consumes 5% more energy. Thus, cooling your home at 20 degrees instead of 24 degrees would consume 20% more energy. Even further, according to other sources, every degree lower uses 10% more energy.

Sticking to the suggested temperature will improve energy efficiency and increase savings on your next electricity bill because heating and cooling are the biggest consumers of energy.

Finding the Right Temperature in Winter Important

Health Benefits

The wrong temperature can lead to humidity, which can ruin the quality of the air by encouraging the growth of mold and fungus. If you or a loved one has asthma, it can lead to severe breathing problems.

People with asthma may experience coughing, sneezing, trouble breathing, and even pneumonia if the humidity is high.

This is why maintaining a comfortable temperature during the colder months will not only keep your skin dry and make your hair look great but also make it easier for you to breathe. Don’t lower your thermostat too much, though!


Find a temperature that keeps you cozy without going over your spending limit. Efficiency is the reason why air conditioners have various modes and fan settings.

Do not, despite how alluring it may be, set your air conditioner to 28 degrees when it is too cold outside. Find a temperature that is more appropriate and reasonable for you. As a result, you won’t experience bill shock because your air conditioner won’t have to run extra hard to maintain the high temperature.


Despite the fact that you may not be aware of it, being too hot or cold can leave you feeling worn out or even ill. Find a temperature that is cozy but won’t make you feel exhausted if you’re feeling achy and getting sick more frequently.

In general, keeping a temperature of 68 degrees is easier on your body than keeping a temperature of 75 degrees—and over time, it can save you a ton of money!

Organisation and Productivity

When working in a well-organized environment, there are fewer interruptions and hiccups. Conversely, when temperatures are too high, no one is motivated to work hard because it is uncomfortable.

Tips for Finding the Right Temperature in Winter

Setting the temperature too high, as we’ve already mentioned, could result in skyrocketing energy costs. However, if you turn it down too far, you might not feel as cozy or warm as you’d like to.

Fortunately, there are a few inexpensive things you can do to stay warm and cozy during the winter.

Seal Your Home

Make sure your home is properly sealed before adjusting the thermostat. You won’t achieve that ideal temperature if an area is not properly sealed, allowing cold air to enter and warm air to escape.

Inspect doors and windows for drafts, and see if any of the seals around your air conditioner are damaged or missing. These are some of the most common places for leaks to occur.

Try caulking them up if you do happen to have drafts. Thermal insulation can be improved by plugging any holes to help reduce energy loss. Close the windows as well.

Maintain Your Air Conditioner

It’s simple to overlook the upkeep that air conditioners require. Make an appointment with a seasoned technician for a routine service if you want to maximize efficiency.

The energy efficiency and effectiveness of a system can be decreased over time by having a service technician clean or replace any clogged filters and look for any damage or wear on parts that might be making them overheat.

You can prevent monthly financial waste by making sure your air conditioner is energy efficient.

What Temperature to Set Air Conditioner in Winter The Ultimate Guide
What Temperature to Set Air Conditioner in Winter? The Ultimate Guide

Ways to Use An Air Conditioner in Winter

To help you increase the effectiveness of your reverse cycle air conditioner, here are a few quick steps.

  1. Draft-proof your home – To keep the heat inside, close all windows, doors, blinds, and curtains. The effectiveness of your heating will increase and heat loss will be prevented.
  2. Switch your air conditioner off when you’re not at home – Once it is restarted, your house will heat up quickly.
  3. Try turning your air conditioner off overnight – You probably won’t need the additional heating when you’re curled up in a warm bed.
  4. Keep warm in other ways – Purchase plenty of winter wool clothing and thin bedding.
  5. If you have a ducted air conditioner, use the zoning options – Only specific areas of the house will be able to get airflow as a result. Set each room’s temperature differently. The temperature in unused spaces like bathrooms and storage areas can drop to 16°C during the winter.
  6. Keep your air conditioner in good condition – To keep your air conditioner operating effectively, have routine maintenance performed on it.
  7. Make sure air is circulating well around the inside and outside of your air conditioning unit – Remove any impediments that may be stopping the internal unit from working properly and clean the filter. Remove any accumulated dust that might be obstructing the heat exchanger on the exterior unit.

Pros of Air Conditioner in Winter

Health Benefits

It’s no secret that the environment in which we live has an impact on us, but you might be surprised by the extent to which this impact affects our wellbeing. Health benefits to fighting off the winter cold include:

Protection Against Viruses

Your immune response may be lowered by cold weather, making it more difficult for you to fight off colds or the yearly winter flu. You have a better chance of warding off a cold if you stay warm.

Reducing Dry Skin and Mucus Membranes

Dry air is typically associated with cold weather, which can dry out your skin and mucous membranes and cause cold-like symptoms. You’ll continue to feel your best if you turn up the heat on your thermostat. You can also use plants to help maintain humidity in your air.

Decreasing Risk of Heart Attack

When it’s cold outside, your heart has to work harder to keep you warm and keep your body running. Cold weather can make you more likely to have a heart attack if you’re already predisposed to one. So, set your air conditioner to a relaxing temperature and give your heart a break.

Improved Sleep Quality

Your sleep may be disturbed if your room is too hot or cold, leaving you exhausted the next day. To sleep comfortably, set the temperature of your air conditioner to a comfortable level.

Save on Costs

It’s all too easy to overheat your house when the cold weather arrives. It can be difficult to resist the urge to keep your air conditioner on high heat for extended periods of time in order to block out the cold. Larger power bills result from doing this though.

The best air conditioning setting is one that keeps you warm at home while not significantly raising your electricity bill. Find your happy medium and stick to it; otherwise, winter will appear to be getting more and more expensive.

Improved Comfort

There are more advantages than just the comfortable feeling that comes from a warm home.

  • More relaxed muscles

It’s easy to ignore the tension brought on by cold weather. In warmer climates, your joints and muscles can relax more.

  • No overeating

In an effort to combat the cold, our bodies may try to eat more, but by keeping warm, you can help prevent being unintentionally drawn to overindulge.

Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning is Great for Winter

Any home would benefit greatly from a reverse cycle air conditioner because of its many uses. Although it is primarily a cooling system, it is simple to operate in reverse to make your home’s air conditioner as comfortable as possible.

When your air conditioner is set to heat your home, the reverse cycle system uses its chemical refrigerant to absorb heat from the outside and bring it inside.

It still works in the winter. Amazingly effective, this air conditioner can still produce the ideal air temperature in your home during the winter to create a cozy atmosphere.

Great reasons why this type of air conditioning unit is perfect for winter include:

  • This air conditioner can quickly reach the desired temperature thanks to inverter technology, ensuring consistent comfort. The reverse cycle air conditioner is a fantastic option because of its adaptability.
  • Air filters are a common feature of contemporary reverse cycle air conditioners, helping to prevent the deterioration of indoor air quality by dust, pollen, and other particles. This is ideal for those who have asthma, including seasonal asthma, which frequently gets worse during the colder months.

How to Promote Heating Efficiency?

As required by the Building Code of Australia, contemporary homes are created with thermal efficiency in mind. The last few decades saw the implementation of modern regulations, so if your home survived Mad Max, the moon landing, or even the Melbourne Olympics, you might need to take additional measures to ensure that it keeps its warmth. Here are a few tips and suggestions:

Clean the filters: Cleaning your air conditioner’s filters is the easiest thing you can do to enhance its performance. They are quickly blocked by dust. The filters should be taken out of the air conditioner every three months, cleaned by brushing off the dust, washed in warm water, and then allowed to air dry.

Improve Insulation: A house’s ceiling accounts for 25 to 35 percent of heat entry and exit. By installing batts or loose-fill foam inside your roof cavity, you can keep that desired warmth in during the winter and prevent a sizable portion from escaping during the summer.

Seal draughts: The spaces and cracks around doors and windows allow that unwelcome chill to enter. For modern homes, it’s less of a problem, but it can be a problem for heritage housing. Consider caulking cracks, and since 10% more heat is lost and gained through floorboards, it wouldn’t hurt to insulate beneath the floor.

Windows and Curtains: Another 10% of heat enters and leaves a house through the windows. By opening the curtains during the day and allowing the sun’s heat to enter your house, you can benefit from this. Close the curtains at night to prevent the heat from escaping.

Book an air conditioner service: Your air conditioner will last longer, run more smoothly, and be safe to use if a technician inspects it once a year. A certified technician will perform an AC service, check that all internal components are functioning properly, chemically clean the unit, identify minor issues before they become major ones, check the refrigerant gas levels, and top them off as necessary.

Wrap Up

First and foremost, it’s important to keep in mind that you should set your thermostat to a temperature between 20 and 22 degrees when deciding what temperature to set the air conditioner at in the winter.

Then, make sure you’re doing everything in your power to maintain the desired air conditioning temperature. Use an energy-efficient air conditioner, layer up, and concentrate your heating.

You may be surprised by how little warm air conditioning you actually need to have on, and perhaps even more so by how much money you can save on energy costs, if you follow these helpful tips.

Read about Best Temperature For Air Conditioner

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