Where Are Samsung TVs Made? Quick Look

Although Samsung is a Korean company, their TVs are produced in Vietnam, Slovakia, Mexico, Russia, and Korea assembly plants. While the screens are made in Korea, the accessories are produced in Vietnam and Korea before being shipped to other nations for final assembly.

Samsung also provides an outsourcing program whereby some independent businesses from different nations put together the parts from Korea and Vietnam and package them as TVs. The TVs are then shipped to different retailers. To reduce logistics costs, Samsung built these assembly facilities abroad.

Samsung TVs are found in many homes throughout the world. Samsung TVs are among the best and are renowned for their dependability and cutting-edge technology. Samsung has raised the bar for the technology industry.

Please read on.

Samsung TV Made in Which Country

Which nations assemble Samsung TVs? The finished TV is produced all over the world. It is decided where to produce things based on logistics and financial advantages. Samsung TVs are made in Samsung factories in the following nations: Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Korea, Russia, China, Mexico, Malaysia, Vietnam, Brazil, and India.


The city of Suwon is where Samsung TVs are produced in South Korea. However, the Suwon factory was altered in 2018. The assembly of televisions was halted in its tracks. The factory was retooled to make prototype testing test equipment. Samsung TVs haven’t been made in Korea since June 2018.


In the city of Tianjin, China, Samsung assembles TVs. 90% of the televisions produced go to the Chinese market, with the remaining televisions primarily exported to Mongolia and neighboring nations. The manufacture of TVs in China, however, has recently come under consideration by Samsung. Production is no longer profitable because of the increase in employee pay. Thailand or Vietnam are more financially advantageous locations to manufacture TVs. The Chinese press claims that as a result, the factory in China was shut down in 2020. Around 300 people were working at the plant when it was shut down.


The Samsung TV factory is situated in Tijuana, Mexico. North and South American televisions are made in this factory. 18 million devices can be produced at the plant annually. There were rumors that the plant might move in 2017–2018 as a result of potential tax increases from the United States. However, since the factory makes TVs for the whole of North America, reports of a plant closure have not been verified. Only equipment shipped from South Korea was subject to taxes in the US. The factory is still running. Additionally, Samsung is increasing its investment in Mexican assembly facilities.


The city of Jasfensaru in Hungary is home to the Samsung TV factory. Europe’s televisions are made in this factory. The facility’s capacity allows for the annual assembly of about 8 million devices.


In the past, Samsung had two factories in Slovakia, one of which was in Voderady and produced parts for the Galant factory. In order to merge with the factory in Galant, the Voderady factory was shut down. European countries receive the televisions made in this factory.

Where Are Samsung TVs Made Quick Look
Where Are Samsung TVs Made? Quick Look


Samsung now manufactures parts in Romania; previously, some TV models and monitors with tuners were assembled there in modest numbers. But that was between 2012 and 2015, when demand for new TVs was at its peak.


At a facility in the Kaluga region’s Koryakovo village, Samsung builds TVs in Russia. The factory assembles TV sets for Russia and the CIS nations, as well as supplying some models to Eastern Europe. The plant has a yearly capacity of roughly 7-8 million televisions. In 2022, the factory was closed, Samsung joined the sanctions against Russia, and the company stopped selling TVs in Russia.


At a facility in Chennai, Samsung used to manufacture TVs in India. However, television production in India came to an end in 2018. The decision by the Indian government to impose a tax on components used in the assembly of televisions was the cause of this predicament. From Vietnam, India received the televisions. In 2020, Dixon Technologies’ production facilities once again started producing TV. This was made possible by the Indian government’s decision to forego some component-related duties, such as the removal of TV screen-related tasks.


One of Samsung’s largest centers is in Vietnam. Cheap labor and the devoted policies of the Vietnamese government are to blame for this predicament. In Vietnam, Samsung has contributed to the creation of about 60,000 jobs. In the province of Thayingguen, Samsung employees can be found in eight factories and one research facility. In addition to many other nations, the manufactured televisions are shipped to Asia, China, Korea, Australia, and Africa.


In Seremban, Malaysia, Samsung produces televisions. However, it was decided to stop producing TVs in Malaysia in 2019. Vietnam will be the main location for TV production. (Check for Best Size TV For Bedroom)


Brazilian Samsung televisions are produced in Manaus, a major industrial hub. Since 1995, this factory has produced a variety of electronics. In 2019, approximately 10 million televisions were created. The televisions are transported to South America.


Beni Suef, an assembly facility owned by Samsung, is located in Egypt and produces TVs for the Middle East and Africa.

Read about How Long Do Samsung TVs Last? 

Are Samsung TVs Reliable?

The robustness and cutting-edge features of Samsung TVs have made them popular in many nations. Samsung is therefore considered to be the most dependable and trustworthy brand.

This display technology creates colors that are more vivid and bright. On other TV screens, though, it is not accessible.

The majority of TVs offer a 4k or UHD resolution display in addition to that. Customers can now view images that are more realistic and detailed.

If you enjoy movies or video games, a TV will be your best friend.

Numerous its models are intelligent, though. As a result, there are a lot of other ways you can use your TV.

The lifespan of their TVs is seven years, though. only if you use a lot of things. Otherwise, anticipate it to go on even longer.

ensuring the best experience is had by every user. securing and defending your device.


Fortunately, the misunderstandings and different myths surrounding the origin of Samsung TVs have been addressed in this article with a clear resolution. With this, consumers shouldn’t have to worry about finding out where Samsung TVs are made, in our team’s opinion. Customers who are hesitant to purchase a Samsung television can now allay their concerns by visiting their official stores or purchasing their preferred TV online.

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