Best Height For TV On Wall: How High Should You Mount Your TV?

To start with, what is the best height for the TV on the wall?

Keep your TV’s middle at eye level while seated, according to experts. The distance from the floor to the center of your TV is typically 42 inches. Nevertheless, depending on your height while seated on your couch, this might be different for you.

For more information, continue reading.

How High Should You Mount Your TV?

Measuring your TV’s height and dividing it by two will yield the height your TV should be above the floor. Your TV’s bottom should be 42 inches higher than the ground if you take that number out of that number.

As a result, you shouldn’t use your TV’s screen size to determine its center point. It’s important to remember that television manufacturers measure a TV from corner to corner.

So, if you have a 55-inch TV, it is probably about 27 inches tall. The result of dividing 27 by 2 in this situation is 13.5 inches. The result is 28.5 inches when you take 13.5 out of 42. Therefore, the bottom of a 55-inch TV mounted at this distance from the floor should be 28.5 inches.

Consider taking a measurement of your eye level if you are shorter or taller than average. Then you can use that figure rather than the usual 42-inch eye level.

The recommended height for a TV from a sitting position is at this height, even though it might seem lower than you anticipated. However, when watching TV, the majority of people recline a little, which causes their eye line to point upward. Therefore, if you recline, you might want to mount your TV a little higher.

It is crucial to remember that you should only mount your TV above eye level if your mount allows for a downward tilt. You won’t be able to properly see the screen otherwise. If you haven’t already bought one, check out our list of the best full-motion TV mounts to find one that works for your setup.

Bedroom: Best TV Height 

In this case, it wouldn’t make much sense to set the TV at the ideal height, which is eye level with the center of the screen. Similar to bedrooms, you’re much more likely to be watching TV while lying in bed. I know, it’s a terrible habit, but we all do it these days! Since the TV would have to be mounted directly above you on the ceiling, I don’t know about you, but that alone would keep me up at night, let alone the TV. You risk developing a neck crick if you position it at eye level with your couch.

You want to set the TV in your bedroom higher than you normally would in your living room. I would say a couple of foot from the ceiling would be good,but it really does depend on the size of the TV and how far you’re going to be when watching. A tilting TV wall bracket, which enables the screen to be angled toward your viewing position, may also be something you want to think about installing.

Recommended: Best Size Tv For Bedroom

Kitchen: Best TV Height 

Once again, in this scenario, the height in your kitchen will likely not be optimal for viewing while seated from your lounge. It’s challenging to give general advice on what the best height will be for you because kitchens differ significantly from home to home. First, you need to choose your primary viewing location. From my experience, kitchen TVs are often installed so that you can watch TV while doing other household chores like cooking dinner or doing the dishes, so you’ll probably want to go higher with the finished TV wall mounting height. But you might also want to watch TV while seated at the dinner table. Personally, I believe that it is acceptable to install the TV “too high” in this scenario because I would have thought that having a TV installed at eye level while seated for dinner may have been a bit much, but whatever floats your boat, I guess. Installing a tilting wall bracket or a full motion wall bracket may be a good idea if you plan to watch TV in a variety of kitchen locations. These brackets give you the most flexibility and most also let you tilt the TV screen downward.

Entertainment Room: Best TV Height

The center of the TV should be about 60 inches above the floor if it is being mounted in an entertainment area where guests spend the majority of their time standing. To ensure the best viewing, artwork is hung at roughly the same height in galleries and museums.

Check the height of the barstool before mounting your TV in a home bar. You can then determine where the center of your TV should be by adding 24 inches to that measurement.

Above A Fireplace: Best TV Height

The ideal height for mounting a TV can be influenced by furniture and fireplaces. However, the majority of manufacturers advise against placing your TV above a fireplace. The delicate electrical wires in a TV are susceptible to damage if they become overheated.

Although you can mount your TV yourself, it can be a challenging process, especially if you have a larger TV.

Best Height For TV On Wall How High Should You Mount Your TV
Best Height For TV On Wall: How High Should You Mount Your TV?

Viewing Height: Best TV Height

If you haven’t already, make sure to determine your home’s ideal screen size and viewing distance.

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Let’s focus on the ideal height right now. We emphasize “ideal” because, as we’ll discuss below, not every home has the best mounting options.

According to Geek Squad installer Brandi Jorgensen, the ideal viewing position places the TV’s center at eye level. It isn’t practical (or fair) to have the screen height to one set of eyes only, though, in the majority of situations where multiple people are watching TV. Because of this, you should think about a comfortable range for the entire group.

Of course, “eye-level” is influenced by a number of factors, including: your height, the height of your seat cushion, the distance of the screen from your seat and the height of your A math formula would drive you crazy, so doing your own research will work just fine. Measure the distance between your eye level and the floor using a measuring tape. Say it’s 40 inches.

The center third of the TV screen is where the majority of the action takes place, so placing the screen at eye level is ideal. If your TV is 30 inches tall, you tend to focus on the middle 10 inches. Depending on how much plastic “framing” is present around the visible screen, this is roughly 10 inches from the bottom edge of your screen.

You should have your TV’s base and tabletop about 25 inches above the ground, according to a quick calculation. The center of the screen is now directly at your 40-inch eye level, giving you a comfortable viewing range of 35 to 45 inches high.

Trial and error is the only real gauge of comfort, claims Jorgensen. She first advises enlisting the aid of at least two capable friends. Then, while your friends gradually (and manually) raise the TV until it feels right to you, sit in your preferred location. Sure, you can adhere to a variety of formulas, but ultimately, you just need to feel at ease spending hours in front of a screen (with popcorn breaks, of course). When you’ve got it figured out, mark the wall and figure out your mounting from there (see below for advice).

Keep in mind that you need a comfort range rather than precise fractions of an inch. The ideal wall-mounting height remains the same, but taking a few measurements will ease the process of hanging the TV.

Viewing Angle: Best TV Height

Naturally, having the TV screen parallel to your eyes is ideal for horizontal angles. However, Jorgensen claims that the “sweet spot” isn’t entirely necessary to enjoy your television because newer models have such clear picture quality, wide viewing angles, and fast refresh rates. She claims that a horizontal screen tilt of +/-25 degrees is acceptable. She emphasizes that the degree of the angle itself is not as important as comfort and glare reduction.

Fireplace No-no: Best TV Height

Placing your TV above a fireplace, whether it is active or not, is always a bad idea. The intense heat produced by a fire and the sporadic smoke and soot that escape and rise directly into a TV could both damage the sensitive electronics inside.

Second, the uncomfortably high viewing angle for a screen mounted. You get a stiff neck after looking up for extended periods of time, which is why the front row of the movie theater is empty.

In that you can’t naturally cock your head, the fireplace height is comparable. Your screen’s center should be at eye level for the best viewing angle. However, there are some situations in which you are forced to mount the TV above a fireplace that is not in use due to the shape of the room, the placement of the furniture, or your viewing habits.

Just keep in mind that you should use a mounting bracket that is adjustable and tilts significantly forward in this situation to avoid grabbing your neck for three hours while watching The Godfather (the original, of course). The screen must be tilted until it is flat and facing your viewing position so that it feels comfortable. You won’t ever achieve the ideal angle.

Quick Tips For The Best TV Height

  • Orient your mounting so that it is in the TV’s center. No matter what you’re watching, you’ll focus most on the middle third of the TV screen, so position it so that it’s at a comfortable eye level.
  • How precisely is your TV mount centered? Some TVs have VESA mounting holes in the middle of the TV chassis, while others have them on the bottom section. The mounting hardware on the wall should be positioned differently depending on which your TV uses.
  • Mark your positions. The center of the TV screen should be marked with a small mark made with a pencil or erasable marker to the right and left of the TV. Decide where the TV’s wall mount should attach after that in order to position the TV there.
  • Take the TV’s weight into consideration. To get the support you need, you might have to screw into the wall studs. In addition to breaking the TV, a heavy TV will pull the screws out of ordinary drywall.
  • Use the appropriate hardware. Whether you want to tilt your TV at an angle or keep it flat against the wall, an articulated stand gives you more flexibility.

The Bottom Line

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog and that it was helpful in determining the ideal TV height for your TV. Please leave a comment in the space provided below the blog post if you have any questions, and I will be happy to assist you.

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